***Shop Wood Items***
Yarn Bowls
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***Shop Crochet Items***
Vessels/Hollow Forms

1134 7.5" Ambrosia Maple Purple Hollow Form

1131 11" Multi-color Maple Hollow Vase

1129 7.5" Ambrosia Maple Bordeaux Hollow Form

1112 6" Ambrosia Maple Hollow Form Vessel

1110 7.5" Ambrosia Maple Hollow Form Vessel

1076 17" Large Urn

1064 14" Hollow Form Vase with Threaded Lid

1063 12.25" Hollow Form Vase with Threaded Lid

1062 13.5" Hollow Form Vase with Threaded Lid

1061 4.25" Spalted Honey Locust Hollow Form Vase

1027 5" Red Hickory Hollow Form

1015 6.75" Maple Wood Hollow Form

0959 9" Red Spalted Oak Vase

0922 7.25" Red Hollow Form Vessel

0915 6.5" Cedar Wood Hollow Form Vase

0913 8.75" Blue Hickory Hollow Form Vase

0912 7.25" Cedarwood Hollow Form Vessel

0911 7.25" Cedarwood Hollow Form Vessel

0826 9" Aromatic Cedar Closed-form Vessel

0697 10.5" Aromatic Cedar Hollow Form Vessel

0627 11.25" Segmented Maple Wood with Blue Dye Vase

0618 6.25" Walnut Closed Form Vessel

0614 11.75" Cedar Wood Vase

0596 5.5" Hickory Wood Hollow Form Vase

0559 10.75" Walnut Closed Form Vessel

0556 10" Walnut Closed Form Vessel

0542 14" Aromatic Cedar Vase

0541 12" Aromatic Cedar Vase

0540 13" Maple and Rosewood Segmented Vase

0531 8.5" Iridescent Geo on Mulberry Hollow Form Vessel

0394 Rustic Copper on Walnut Vase